วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

X Box 360 Red Light Repair

The X box 360 red light repair has never been more simply, yet so many
distraught gamers get it so wrong. The key is to not worry or start taking
drastic measure to fix their broken Xbox 360. There are proven and
effective ways to repair your red light stricken x box 360 and if you
follow those, you'll be gaming again in no time.

Overheating is the main reason the red light, or lights, has appeared in
the first place. The Xbox 360 in renown for not only being one of the
greatest gaming machines on the planet, but also for it's inability to
keep itself cool!

The key is to not make the following mistakes when it comes to repairing
your damaged Xbox 360:

- Using the 'towel method'. Wrapping your Xbox 360 in a towel is only a
quick fix and is actually detrimental to your system in the long term. The
reason why you should avoid this is because wrapping a towel around your
Xbox 360 heats the system dramatically and in turn forces itself to reset
and hopefully start working again. Although there is a level of truth in
that it may start to work, you can see why this is not a safe repair
because that's exactly what brought upon the red light in the first place!
Don't risk permanent long term damage by trying this on your Xbox.

- Sending the damaged console off to Microsoft to get fixed. This is a
great method if you want to pay someone over $200 and wait several months
in order to have it returned working again.

There are much faster and better methods. Doing it yourself is definitely
the best way to go and you don't need to be technical to be able to pull
it off. There are various kits you that are cheap and readily available
online which show you step by step how to repair your system and have it
working as good as new in under an hour! These are real fixes without the
hassles, expenses and danger associated with the above two options.

