วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Movie review: Golmal Returns

Golmal Returns (2008) - Hindi

Director: Rohit Shetty

Cast: Ajay Devgan, Arshad Warsi, Kareena Kapoor, Tushar Kapoor, Shreyas
Talpade, Amruta Arora, Celena Jetley, and others.

Genre: Comedy

"Golmal Returns" is clearly a effort by director and production house to
cash on the success of its prequel "Golmal" which was released two years
back and made by same director and production house.

Now "Golmal" was a good movie appreciated by crowd and did some very good
business although it was also no brain comedy. So when same director,
production house and almost same cast (except Sharman Joshi, who was
brilliant in first part) comes up with sequel of that movie we start
expecting more out of "Golmal Returns". But not only this movie failed
those expectation but it cannot maintain the standard of Golmal. It is not
10 % good as prequel.

By this I don't mean movie is unbearable altogether, there are some good
moments in the films. There is good performance by Tushar kapoor. Shreyas
Talpade also stands out of bunch of star cast. But on the whole movie is
no good. When I walked out of theatre I feel lost and irritated with
myself that why I choose to watch this movie. I feel like someone robbed
my money and even more so because it was my treat to my cousins and
friends. It was 180 Rs. Per head in movie time. I feel like my money was

We understand that director wanted to make no brainer movie but how can
you be so obvious. The film might have earned very well on box office but
it was all because it's prequel "Golmal" was very much fresh in peoples
mind. And other thing benefited them is that they released it in Diwali
festival. That help them big time. It has only one competition "Fashion"
which also released on same day. Although "Fashion" is far better movie
family crowd prefer "Golmal Return" as "Fashion" supposed to be a very
intense movie. And people prefer light hearted movie in festival time.
Although after festival week "Golmal Return" will die its natural death as
it don't have content to survive.

Issues with the films are that actor like Arshad Warsi who is sure shot
crowd puller is not utilized at all. I couldn't understand why actors like
Ajay Devgan and Kareena Kapoor do this kind of films don't they feel they
have some kind of responsibility towards crowd as people spent there money
on reading the star cast. There is a song called 'Tha Karke' on which they
spent 5 corers of Rupees. The song was not at all necessary for the film.
Film could do without this song. So why director does spends so much money
in vein. It seems these corporate houses are negligent about investors
money that too in these trying times of global meltdown.

Anyways if I have to rate this movie I will give 2/10 and this only for
Tushar Kapoor and Shreyas Talpade.

