วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Wow gold---How often should we do repeatable content?

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Blessing of Kings asks an excellent question: how often should we be
running repeatable content? Certainly Blizzard has considered this issue
before -- they've gone with daily quests in the first expansion, and
recently they've been rethinking just how often we'll be rerunning
dungeons, too. But both of those time periods are fairly arbitrary to us:
is it possible that we should start running things twice a week (once
during and once on the weekend), or maybe do weekly quests instead of

BoK says: possibly. Rohan suggests a weekly quest that rewarded 70g
instead of the daily 10g reward we usually get (not including the XP
bonus which kicks it up to 13g). Players who don't have time to run every
day, but do have the weekly availability (like me -- I play mostly on the
weekends), would be able to still pick up the reward. I'll go one step
further, in fact: what if we had an option? What if we could choose to
run a quest daily (and get a bigger reward overall), or run it once per
week, using up all of our daily chances for that week, and getting a
smaller total reward? That seems to be the best way -- those who could
log in every day would get a larger reward, while those who couldn't
could still get more than just the single daily.

Rohan also says that Heroic and BG quests should remain daily, and on
that we agree: those quests are perfect for creating variety every day,
and getting people to run those instances. In fact, those would be fun to
see expanded -- maybe Blizzard could create weekly series of daily quests
that followed a small storyline across dungeons or BGs. Blizzard has done
a pretty good job balancing out repeatable content periods, but it's
always nicer to have more options.

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