วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cooking Healthy With Waterless Cookware

We use many of the recipes of South Beach diet and several years ago we
were strictly on that diet until we reached our target weights. Now we
blend the Latin cooking with at times using recipes from the South Beach
books. The use of the Waterless steam control cookware is perfect for
these recipes as well. Of course this would be true of any of the great
successful diet regimens out there. Whether Weight Watchers, South Beach
or whatever, as long as there are lots of healthy vegetables, reasonably
amounts of fruits, lean reasonable portions of meat of your liking, and
moderate starches.

They all work and the premium Waterless Steam control stainless steel
cookware makes it all that easier. With any recipe with meat, and
vegetables including potatoes, just braise the meat (no oil or water
necessary) 30-60 seconds on each side, top with the vegetables cover and
when starting to steam a little close the steam control valve. This allows
the heat to distribute quickly and evenly to the point that you can even
stack the pans and cook other goodies on top of the first pan and have the
same heat distribution. If you do go this way, you'll find cooking fast,
easy and in a style that preserves virtually all of the vitamins and

Always remember to watch out for eating too much useless calories like
fattening deserts high in short chain carbohydrates as in cakes, pies,
pastries. Of course that goes for ice cream and all those other high fat
and high cholesterol deserts. Calorie count and you can enjoy a little of

Of course if there are dietary restrictions from medical problems like
high cholesterol, diabetes etc. you need to follow the diets given to you
by your physician. The concept from the 80's that red meats are all bad
luckily have been thrown out the window by, Weight Watchers, South Beach
diets and quite a few others. Lean meats with excess fat trimmed, cooked
without added oil(or only Olive oil in small amounts) and small portions
are as good a protein source as fish or poultry, If on a restricted
cholesterol diet then follow doctor's recommendation.

The Waterless cookware helps to reduce cooking fats but you still need to
trim out the fat in the meats and of course monitor the amount of
carbohydrates you eat in rice, bread and potatoes. Eat intelligently, have
a safe regular exercise regimen directed at your age and physical
conditioning. We all can have healthy, happy lives and look to be a
healthy weight for our age. I'm not an advocate of skinny, but of being in
good cardiovascular shape without carrying those extra pounds causing
strain on your heart, joints and back. There are no real fountains of
youth but exercise, healthy diet and sufficient sleep will help your
health overall and even your mental health.

Have fun,

Jay Mawhinney

