วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius & North Node in Aquarius (August 4-6, 2009)

We are living in such exciting times! Don't you agree? Astrology serves us
in gaining deeper understanding of the inner and outer workings of the
divine in our live. This Tuesday the Moon moves on to the sign of Aquarius
and brings in a new focus onto our visions and dreams to come true.

This new Aquarius Moon is intending on finding her place in the community
of like minded people rooting for the same cause, moving into the same
direction. It will be a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday and you
will feel it!

This Lunar Eclipse is setting the tone and is a major milestone heading
towards the Age of Aquarius with its promises of liberty, equality and
freedom for all. There is the possibility of unity in our diversity; a
synergy created out of all our unique self-expressions as an individual

Full Moon in Aquarius & Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipses are most Powerful Full Moons. I had written an article
about the Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 6th and another
article about the Aquarius Full Lunar Eclipse on August 5-6.

In my experience it is very important and helpful to look at the opposing
sign as the complementing force to any planetary position. A Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon is always created by the opposition between the Sun and the
Moon. It is crucial to look into the particularities of both signs
involved in the opposition and their shadow aspects.

A Lunar Eclipse is created by the earth's position between Sun and Moon,
intercepting the Sun light meeting the Moon. For a short duration there is
the interruption of Sun's radiation towards the Moon.

There will be this moment of interruption of the familiar flow of energy
and therefore our consciousness. With that we will have a chance of waking
up from our normal, very patterned and habituated flow of thoughts,
feelings and ways of self-expression.

A Lunar Eclipse stirs things up from our unconsciousness because of that
interruption in the normal energy flow. With looking at the shadow side of
both astrological signs the Sun and Moon are in, we will be able to gain
much clarity and guidance to make the best out of this particular
universal time.

Wherever the Lunar Moon is situated in your chart, the house it is in and
the aspect connection with your personal planets, you will be impacted
most! This is your chance to bring the light of consciousness into that
specific area of your life.

For Example
Like for me my 11th house is activated which is also in Aquarius and my
natal Moon is at 23 degrees in Aquarius, in opposition with Pluto,
squaring my Sun and a quincunx with Jupiter.

This is my time to step up to the plate and show up with my astrology, my
books (the written and yet unwritten ones) without letting my self-doubt
and perfectionism get in the way. I can set new intentions and trust that
the flow of the optimizing thrust of life will carry me.I already have
been very activated around my Moon with the Neptune, Jupiter, Chiron
threesome moving back and force over it.
This Moon is helping me contemplate my identity as a woman, as a friend
and partner. I am finding myself expanding and changing in subtle ways and
enjoying myself.

In Astrology, Sun and Moon are Representing the Yin and Yang
Sun and Moon are the complementing opposing forces in life, the eternal
dance of the male and the female. Sun is giving us life by radiating the
life force we all depend on to support life and Moon is magnetically
taking the energy in and reflecting it. You can tell by the powerful ebb
and tides of the oceans how influential the Moon is in "just reflecting".

Sun in astrology is representing our self- identity, that inner place of
strength we act from in our life. Sun is representing the archetypical
father and male figure in our life. Sun is giving us self awareness and
consciousness and guides our choices and decisions.

Moon in astrology on the other hand reflects consciousness evolving
through our internal process of feelings and guides us intuitively –
through our gut feelings. Emotions are often vague and hidden from the
light of consciousness. It might take a while to float up to conscious
recognition and acknowledgement. Moon is the archetypal mother, the inner
woman or outer woman, nourishing us in her unique way of being.

Aquarius is the revolutionary and rebel fighting against the conventions
and rigid rules of society. He is the visionary role model for new ways to
live and is always reaching for new horizons. Aquarius starts revolutions,
teams up with like minded people and really wants to change the world to a
better place. With all the planets in Aquarius in the moment you can
understand more deeply why we are living in such a special time of change
and challenges.

• Aquarius' Shadow
Aquarius' shady side is its tendency to believe himself to be very special
and not bound in any ways by conventional ways. He has a hard time to fit
in and chooses a place at the outer parameter of Aquarian minded groups.
He likes to make the new rules and has been called the opposing king
because of that. His appetite for power is more hidden as in the sign of
Leo and is therefore his shadow.

When the Sun is in Leo we are in the heights of summer! By the end of July
the summer sun is blazing and crops are bursting with their life force.
Our personal energy is more outwards and we are carried by a new flow of
creative energy and life force wanting to express itself. We can partake
in the exciting and self-assured ways of Leos.

Leo is a highly energetic, masculine fire sign. Leos can be none other
than kings, leading all types of enterprises with their strong charismatic
personalities. They always will choose to be independent in their work,
not submissive to others. As the king they have a sense of entitlement and
expect to be served.

• Leo's Shadow
The shadow of Leo is his self-centeredness and narrow perspective caused
by that. They can get easily lost in self-serving activities and an ego
driven perspective. Their love for power is not exactly unconscious but
maybe the length they might be willing to go to make sure their own ends
are being met.

Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius with the Threesome: Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter
& the North Node
Of course if there are several planets in one sign, the impact of it will
be enormous and important. The conjunction of Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter
in Aquarius will be with us well into the summer. Have a look at my
article about them and more thoughts.

The North Node is our karmic destination and is helping with the
integration of the shadow the Moon is pointing at in this Lunar Eclipse.
Aquarius is where we need to go and live the highest potential of it. Life
is a journey and not a destination; it is a mystery to be lived. Enjoy the
steps along the way!

I have also written a book you might enjoy reading: Jewelry and Gems for
Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the
Soul where I teach you about astrology and how to read your own chart. If
you know where your challenges are, you can then take steps to support or
balance yourself with gemstones, if that is something that appeals to you.
Gemstones are just such wonderful allies to raise our frequency and
balance us in deficient inner places. Each stone has its own "signature"
and individuality to offer and speaks to us through its beauty and

An Aquarian Gemstone is the Aquamarine. [1]
"Uranus infuses Aquamarine with some unusual qualities and a vision beyond
our limited mind-set, making Aquamarine the Rebel among the gems. This is
the gemstone of visionaries fighting for a better life, supporting
goodness and necessary changes. It urges us to seek freedom and
independence and to express our uniqueness. Aquamarine is the stone of
innovators, ahead of their time in many ways. It encourages us to always
question our limiting beliefs with an open mind and to be willing to grow
beyond them. It can help us to find our own vision and purpose in life and
the courage to live them.

This unique gem connects us with the unlimited aspect of being that is
found in the ocean, symbolizing the vastness of existence, the unlimited
space and horizon that we experience standing on a beach or on a boat. "

If you enjoyed this post and astrological musings, I invite you to come
and visit my astrological forecast on the Astrological Signs Weather
Report & Healing Gems Blog where I discuss the universal, astrological
forces and inspire you to use them wisely for a more successful and joyful

Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author

[1]Adapted from Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones
That Delight the Eye & Strengthen the Soul © 2008 by Shakti Carola Navran.
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.
All rights reserved, used by permission of the publisher.

