วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Pay A Monthly Fee For Totally Free Mp3 Downloads? For Shame! Right?

Are you nuts? Paying for something labeled as free is a contradiction of
terms. It's like selling your soul for a donut. I get a lot of music from
services giving me totally free mp3 downloads. I get:

• Free downloads
• The joy of getting something for free
• Spyware, adware, and viruses

Having my computer crash is a small price to pay for a free, if not
slightly garbled song. It took an hour and ten minutes to download, and it
took four hours and $760 to re-install my hard drive. But saving that 99
cents was pretty sweet!

Subscriptions don't make sense…or do they?

I started paying a subscription for free mp3 downloads. The fee is a bit
over $8. I won't lie; I feel a bit dirty paying for things I used to get
for nothing. Yes, I will agree that the mp3 downloads are much faster. The
quality of the music and video is cleaner. But $8 for one month?

I am having better luck with the subscription service. No crashes or
viruses. No slow downloads. They do have a great selection of rare and
popular music and videos. And I will readily admit that the $8 monthly fee
paid for itself after the first day.

The Remorseful Thief

Maybe I was wrong. I heard a song on a commercial that I liked and on
impulse I went to a free mp3 music downloads site to find it. It was a
costly mistake. Somebody is in my computer who hates me. The internet is
slow, the files won't open; and the thing that really grinds my gears is
the fact that the song is available on my subscription service.

Dear reader, like the thief who's lost his hands over a stolen loaf of
bread, it's pointless paying an arm and a leg without hands. My computer
is under warranty, so I don't have to pay for the repairs. But I'm writing
this on a napkin.

For what it's worth, most things given for free aren't worth a whole heck
of a lot. Just having piece of mind when I download music is worth the
monthly fee. Having unlimited mp3 downloads is just one of the benefits.

Why Buy?

Much can be said about services that feature pay-by-song and subscriptions
for buying music. Much can also be said for services that are fly-by-night
and offer totally free mp3 music downloads. One thing that always struck
me about my attitude was that I often reveled in the fact that I just
"stuck it to the man" by saving a few cents.

What I, and countless others, need to come to understand is that the only
thing I'm damaging is my computer and wasting my time. With services that
charge minimal monthly fees for unlimited free mp3 downloads there is the
simple question of what took me so long to get signed up?

After being so cavalier about where I get my music, I've discovered that
the silver lining in all this has been the value of what I'm getting, and
the knowledge that what I'm buying is of good quality. And in the end,
that's what matters.

