วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Tell if a Guy Likes you - Five Signs He's Interested (is he really into me)

How can you tell if a guy likes you or is interested? You noticed him when
you were standing and talking with a friend. You think he noticed you, but
maybe it was your imagination or just wishful thinking. He looked at you
at about the same time you saw him. Your eyes met for just a few seconds,
and then you looked away. When you looked back up, he was talking with
some other people. Was he watching you as you mingled? Or were you making
that up? How can you tell if a guy likes you? Why are guys so hard to

Here are five signs that he is interested in you too. If any of the
following happens, he is probably trying to get close enough to ask you

1. He tells someone

Is he interested? He likes you if he tells a mutual friend that he wants
to know more about you, or he asks other people who you are and where
you're from. He is trying to act like he's "just asking" but his questions
indicate more than a casual interest. And when he tells someone that he
finds you attractive, he probably knows that it will get back to you. He's
hoping it does.

2. The look

He gives you a look that betrays his calm exterior. Even though he is
across the room, "that look" he has says it all. It is sweeping, from your
head to your toes, and then his eyes linger on yours. You think you notice
the beginning of a tentative smile.

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