วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Free Printable Scrapbooking Page Kits - Stunning Scrapbooks Without Breaking the Bank

Interested in making scrapbooks on your computer but feel that getting
started with digital scrapbooking is a little daunting? You're not alone
in feeling this way. Luckily there is a way to get started with digital
scrapbooking that doesn't require you to become an expert at digital photo
editing or spend a lot of money. Through the use of free digital
scrapbooking page kits you'll be able to make stunning scrapbooks.

These kits will provide you with everything you will need and save you a
lot of time. They provide the designs for the paper, frames, titles and
embellishments, which are already setup for you. You provide the pictures
and the verbiage to be put into the captions.

You will need to either have pictures from a digital camera on your
computer or use a scanner to scan in pictures to your computer. Next you
will download the free digital scrapbooking page kit to your computer. A
number of websites provide these. Of course they are hoping you like them
so much that you go back and spend money at the website later.

Once you have the free digital scrapbooking page kit on your computer you
will need to open it up and place it into a directory. A lot of times
these files are zipped to save space so you will need to unzip it. There
are a number of free programs that you can download that will do this.

Now you are ready to start making your scrapbook. In your photo editor
open the kit's files and place your pictures on them. If you don't have a
photo editor then go to my website and you can download a free one. Also
put in captions for each picture. This way you give content to your
pictures, which makes your scrapbook much more interesting.

In order to use your free digital scrapbooking page kits you'll need the

* Digital scrapbooking page kit

* Quality printer

* Digital camera

* Scanner (if you want to work with older pictures)

Don't let digital scrapbooking scare you. With the right software and
through the use of free digital scrapbooking kits you will find the
experience highly enjoyable. Happy scrapbooking.

Printable Charts For Kids -- Keeping Your Kids in the Game

If you like to use a variety of printable charts for kids in your home to
modify and encourage behavior, you know motivation is a huge issue. All
children are different, of course, but here are three ideas I've used
successfully with my four children to keep motivation high and results

1. Keep it fun.

Depending upon what you're trying to accomplish, you may be using
printable reward charts, blank chore charts, or
printable behavior charts. The main point of keeping the whole process
bubbling with a bit of fun is vital. Chances are whatever you are asking
your child to accomplish is less than fun or you wouldn't need a chart
system to begin with!

-- Use short-term rewards to teach about initiative and long-term rewards
to teach about perseverance. Both are vital lessons and neither comes
naturally. As your child develops good habits, short-term rewards can be
decreased, but until then keep things lively and fun.

-- Even chores can be turned into a game. Can one child go faster than the
other? Set a timer for ten minutes; who can get done, correctly, in that
amount of time? Add music, jokes, and encouragement to the mix.

2. Teamwork.

Most kids will more willingly cooperate when they're working alongside
someone else. That's true for most adults, as well. Sure, your kids need
to be able to do their assigned chores or work on their behaviors at any
given time, but throwing some teamwork into the mix can really boost
motivation. My young daughter is learning to play the keyboard. That
involves daily practice and it is often boring. But more than just wanting
her to learn and enjoy the musical experience (as wonderful as that is),
she'll never get there without learning the discipline of good daily
habits. So after many years away from the piano, I am re-learning with
her, including daily practice. It's a lot more interesting to share our
journey with each other and this technique results in a lot less nagging,

3. Put your charges in charge - a little bit.

Depending upon the ages of your children, help them learn about running a
household by giving them the opportunity to be responsible for it from
time to time. You set up the schedule for your own situation, get
everything written on your printable charts so everyone knows what's going
on and when, and then have your children be in charge for a week here and

They'll find it's a much different game trying to manage the household
than it is to just show up and take orders. Competing schedules, different
personalities, and the realities of daily life is a great attitude
adjustor for growing kids. Of course, you'll need to help and guide them,
depending upon their ages, and a child who tackles this project deserves a
better reward than the one who just does his small share of the load.

Printable charts for kids are great tools when used effectively. Remember
that keeping the process fun, employing teamwork and giving your kids a
whiff of real responsibility can help keep the motivation high and the
results coming in strong.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Buy Nintendo Wii Fit – Cheap Nintendo Wii Fit Prices

The video game industry has been the focus of a lot of companies in the
last decades. A lot of them are producing video games. Since they're
getting more popular each year, there are million of games sold each year.

One of the big names when it comes to gaming is the Nintendo Wii Fit,
which is very popular with a lot of people, and have managed to get a big
market share in a small period of time. They even got higher than
Playstation in rankings, and that's a huge acomplishment.

We're talking about a very popular product here, as a lot of people enjoy
the Nintendo Wii Fit. But, because it's so popular, it can be hard to find
it and buy it sometimes.

Because the demand is higher than the offer in some cases, you can't be
sure that you will find it whenever you want to buy one. A lot of stores
will find themselves out of stock because there are so many of them sold.
To make sure you buy the best Nintendo Wii Fit, you have to learn some
things about the product.

As it's being sold in huge numbers, this product can be found everywhere
in the world for sale. There are a lot of retail stores that sell the
Nintendo Wii Fit, among other products they offer. So, there are a lot of
stores to choose from when you want to buy a Nintendo Wii Fit. You can
search around and find the best deal possible by comparing the different

Because there are so many stores that sell Nintendo video games, there are
good deals to be found out there. All you need to do is look for them and
find which one suits you best. First, know how much you're willing to
spend. Because so many people want it, the Nintendo Wii Fit isn't that

It's quite expensive actually, when you compare it with its competitors.
But, you get what you pay for, and the quality of the product is very
good. In some cases you will find deals that offer the Wii Fit at smaller
prices than normal. In other cases you will find them at a higher price
than normal.

That's why you should look around and see all the options before deciding
on a store where you spend your money on a Nintendo Wii Fit.

Another option at your disposal is to look for a Nintendo Wii Fit online.
There are a lot of online stores that sell it, so all you need to do is to
sit down at your computer and start looking for it. Plenty of stores offer
free home delivery together with your order, and they even offer support,
so it's easier than driving around town to buy it.

Enjoy infinitum video gaming fun with R4 card

You have lately purchased a R4 gaming card or you are willing to have one
but don't know where to start? No problem follows a discussion below about
R4; it will help you with your shopping buying a R4 as well as understand
its use.

First of all, you must know what is R4 Card? R4 Card can be defined as a
cartridge which will enable you playing Nintendo games on your NDS card.
Besides, you can also able to store melodies, songs, mp3s, movies,
videos, internet browsers, access instant messaging, image viewing tools,
electronic books and many other features on your R4 card. The R4 is
fairly popular because it is sturdy, stable and dependable for the
Nintendo DS Cartridges.

(1)Place to buy
Your little son might have heard of R4 card from his classmates and
friends, and now he wants one from his father. But, you're a little bit
confused where to buy R4. There are a number of merchandises are selling
this product online but you aren't convinced who is selling a genuine
thing while purchasing over the net. Everything you need to do is carrying
out a research on online R4 card vendor and read their customer reviews.
Buyr4ds.com is a reputable and established vendor in the field of gaming
business. All the items sold at buyr4ds.com are authentic and warranty

(2)How to use it
Now that you have purchased a R4 card online and you will want to know how
to use it properly. You must know that it is an ultimate gaming machine
and you must understand its full potential. The R4 card doesn't include an
internal Random Access Memory; instead it uses Micro SD cards. It is like
an adapter where you have to insert A Micro-SD memory flash card in its
rear part. So, you first require a Micro-SD card so as to use a R4 card in
combination with Nintendo DS.

The R4 Card's drag and drop menu will enable you playing the games more
easily. A R4 Card is a cartridge similar to normal Micro SD and regular DS
card sliding into the R4.

Besides, playing games you may also like to play songs or watch videos on
your R4 card. You can do of all these. Everything you need to do is
copying the melodies folder or files and pasting them into the Micro SD
card. Now, you can listen to your favorite tracks on your R4 card.

For more information about R4,please visit buy r4 ds

Cheesecake Factory Restaurant Recipes Revealed - Copycat Your Favorite Cheesecake Factory Menu Items

Do you ever sit down at at the Cheesecake Factory and wish that you had
the knowledge to make the same recipes that they have for their food. Well
there are ways that this is possible, and you will definitely pay a lot
less for your food.

Try these ideas to make that great food the same way the restaurants do:

1. You can try going to the restaurant's website to see if they sell a
copy of the recipe. If that doesn't work, ask the waiter and see what he
can do for you. If you search the internet enough, you will probably be
able to find a free recipe somewhere.

2. When you take home the food, take a guess at what goes into the food to
give it all of its tastes. Ask a waitress what is in the food and then go
home and experiment with what you believe the dish consists of.

3. Try asking a friend, who is good with food, what he thinks the recipe
consists of. If this fails, talk to the chef and flatter him; he might be
more inclined to tell you how to make the dish.

4. Certain chefs actually have their own cooking classes. You will be
charged for the class and the chef will cook a meal which everyone will
get a chance to try. While watching him cook, take notes of the different
ingredients he uses. Then take what you learned to your kitchen.

And here is a copycat version of the Cheesecake Factory Bleu Cheese Dressing:

Ingredients needed:

- 2 shallots, finely minced
- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 2 ounces of crumbled blue cheese
- 1 1/2 cups of buttermilk
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 12 cups of mixed baby greens


1. Combine all of the ingredients except for the mixed baby greens and
whisk until smooth or blend the ingredients at low speed.

2. Chill this blend.

3. When you are ready to serve, put two cups of greens on each salad dish
and top with bleu cheese dressing. Enjoy!

Movie review: Golmal Returns

Golmal Returns (2008) - Hindi

Director: Rohit Shetty

Cast: Ajay Devgan, Arshad Warsi, Kareena Kapoor, Tushar Kapoor, Shreyas
Talpade, Amruta Arora, Celena Jetley, and others.

Genre: Comedy

"Golmal Returns" is clearly a effort by director and production house to
cash on the success of its prequel "Golmal" which was released two years
back and made by same director and production house.

Now "Golmal" was a good movie appreciated by crowd and did some very good
business although it was also no brain comedy. So when same director,
production house and almost same cast (except Sharman Joshi, who was
brilliant in first part) comes up with sequel of that movie we start
expecting more out of "Golmal Returns". But not only this movie failed
those expectation but it cannot maintain the standard of Golmal. It is not
10 % good as prequel.

By this I don't mean movie is unbearable altogether, there are some good
moments in the films. There is good performance by Tushar kapoor. Shreyas
Talpade also stands out of bunch of star cast. But on the whole movie is
no good. When I walked out of theatre I feel lost and irritated with
myself that why I choose to watch this movie. I feel like someone robbed
my money and even more so because it was my treat to my cousins and
friends. It was 180 Rs. Per head in movie time. I feel like my money was

We understand that director wanted to make no brainer movie but how can
you be so obvious. The film might have earned very well on box office but
it was all because it's prequel "Golmal" was very much fresh in peoples
mind. And other thing benefited them is that they released it in Diwali
festival. That help them big time. It has only one competition "Fashion"
which also released on same day. Although "Fashion" is far better movie
family crowd prefer "Golmal Return" as "Fashion" supposed to be a very
intense movie. And people prefer light hearted movie in festival time.
Although after festival week "Golmal Return" will die its natural death as
it don't have content to survive.

Issues with the films are that actor like Arshad Warsi who is sure shot
crowd puller is not utilized at all. I couldn't understand why actors like
Ajay Devgan and Kareena Kapoor do this kind of films don't they feel they
have some kind of responsibility towards crowd as people spent there money
on reading the star cast. There is a song called 'Tha Karke' on which they
spent 5 corers of Rupees. The song was not at all necessary for the film.
Film could do without this song. So why director does spends so much money
in vein. It seems these corporate houses are negligent about investors
money that too in these trying times of global meltdown.

Anyways if I have to rate this movie I will give 2/10 and this only for
Tushar Kapoor and Shreyas Talpade.

Wow account---Mercy of the Sea

wow accounts are so important to you that I am writing all day to give you
my opinions. Pay attention to wow account info here please. One of the
mainstays at BlizzCon is the machinima contest – talented artists submit
their movie ahead of the convention in hopes of winning fame and prizes.
This year's BlizzCon is no different, and we're sure to see some great
videos during the largest gathering of WoW players outside of Azeroth.
Over the next few days let's take a look back at some of the winners and
runner ups of last year's movie competition.I will share my all wow
account tips with you. We have got high reputation from you and will never
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Mercy of the Sea was the Runner-Up in the Action/Adventure category of
last year's machinima contest. It's a pretty big video, clocking it about
23 minutes. Mercy of the Sea is an incredibly ambitious movie. The
sweeping plot focuses on High Priestess Elunari, who must rescue her
child from the Arch Druid. There are twists and heartstrings to be
plucked throughout the movie, and it's totally worth your time to watch

What really makes Mercy of the Sea exceptional is its great voice acting
and polished visuals. The story could have been relayed a little more
quickly, but I think a lot of the pacing was purposefully chosen for
dramatic tension. I don't know anyone who disagrees that this is a
quality movie, though I think at least a few might wish for it to move a
little faster. Since its debut, however, I've thought of Mercy of the Sea
as being one of the best plot-driven machinima I've seen.

Mythic Entertainment released a beta version of Warhammer Online for the
Mac this week, along with a free 10-day trial, so I decided to give it a
try. I noticed, quite happily, that there was an option to choose a
roleplaying server, and as soon as I selected it, I was surprised to see
an introduction pop up, about what sorts of names characters were
expected to have there, as well as a bit about what roleplaying is, too.

Why doesn't Blizzard have a proper introduction to RP servers special
rules in WoW, you ask? Maybe they felt that most players would know what
"RP server" was supposed to mean and respect it better, or perhaps they
felt explaining RP a bit on their website would be enough. As time went
on, however, RP servers have filled up with people who have no interest
in roleplaying and Blizzard seems unsure what, if anything, they should
do about it. Perhaps Warhammer's RP introduction built into the game is
just the solution that WoW needs too.

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